Extra Practice 1. Create and manage presentations

1.1 Create a presentation



Tips & Tricks


1 Open the PP16_EP_1-1_Ex01.pptx presentation, save it as PP16_EP_1-1_Ex01_Final.pptx in your practice files folder and do the following: 
2 Add new slides after slide 2 (between slide 2 and 3) from the outline in PowerPoint_1-1.docx in the practice files folder.  Tip: Προσέξτε ποια διαφάνεια θα είναι επιλεγμένη κατά την εισαγωγή της διάρθρωσης. Ολοκληρώνοντας θα έχετε συνολικά 13 διαφάνειες. PP16_ExamTask_1-1_Ex01
3 Save and close the PP16_EP_1-1_Ex01_Final.pptx presentation, without closing the application.
4 Open the PP16_EP_1-1_Ex02.pptx presentation, save it as PP16_EP_1-1_Ex02_Final.pptx in your practice folder and do the following: 
5 After the "Vacation Ideas" slide, import new slides from the Word document outline titled Ideas.docx. Tip: Θα έχετε συνολικά 4 διαφάνειες. PP16_ExamTask_1-1_Ex02
6 Save and close the PP16_EP_1-1_Ex02_Final.pptx presentation, without closing the application.
7 Open the PP16_EP_1-1_Ex03.pptx presentation, save it as PP16_EP_1-1_Ex03_Final.pptx in your practice folder and do the following: 
8 At the end of the presentation, add new slides from the outline in MoreIdeas.docx. Tip: Θα έχετε συνολικά 7 διαφάνειες. PP16_ExamTask_1-1_Ex03
9 Save and close the PP16_EP_1-1_Ex03_Final.pptx presentation, without closing the application.
10 Open the PP16_EP_1-1_Ex04.pptx presentation, save it as PP16_EP_1-1_Ex04_Final.pptx in your practice folder and do the following: 
11 Add a new slide to the end of the presentation using the OneMoreIdea.docx file. Tip: Θα έχετε συνολικά 5 διαφάνειες. PP16_ExamTask_1-1_Ex04
12 Save and close the PP16_EP_1-1_Ex04_Final.pptx presentation.