Extra Practice 2. Apply custom data formats and layouts (δείγμα)

2.3 Create and modify custom workbook elements


Tips & Tricks


1 Open the ExcelExpert_ExPr_2-3.xlsx from Assignment 2, save it as ExcelExpert_ExPr_2-3_Final.xlsx in your final files folder and do the following:
2 Modify the "MyCellStyle1" style by adding an Οrange double bottom border. ExEx16_ExT_2-3-1_Εx01
3 Create new customized colors with the Accent 1 option to RGB "100","150", "255". Name the customized colors "Blue Table". ExEx16_ExT_2-3-2_Εx01
4 Change the theme colors to Violet II and save the theme as "MyTheme" to the Assignment final files folder. ExEx16_ExT_2-3-2_Εx02
5 On the "Customers" worksheet, link a Combo Box control to Cell B1. It should display the country names in column A of the "Countries" worksheet. ExEx16_ExT_2-3-4_Εx01
6 Save the workbook and close it.