Illustrator Glossary

Λίστα με ορισμούς που αφορούν την εφαρμογή Illustrator αλλά και τη σχεδίαση γενικότερα. 

Περιήγηση στο γλωσσάριο χρησιμοποιώντας αυτό το ευρετήριο

Ειδικά | Α | Β | Γ | Δ | Ε | Ζ | Η | Θ | Ι | Κ | Λ | Μ | Ν | Ξ | Ο | Π | Ρ | Σ | Τ | Υ | Φ | Χ | Ψ | Ω | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ΟΛΑ

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Remove the amount of color in an image.

design elements

The building blocks of art defined by artists to provide a framework for creating art.

diagonal (lines)

Lines traveling on neither a vertical nor a horizontal path. Express growth or decline and imply movement or change.

dingbat fonts

Also known as wingdings. They are a collection of objects and shapes instead of letters.


A common way to describe lines, such as vertical, horizontal, or diagonal.

direction handle

A visual feature that displays on a selected curved anchor point that controls the shape of a curved segment.


The vertically stacked arrangements of panels on the right side of the Application frame. You can customize the arrangement of panels in the dock and create additional docks.

document color mode

Determines the color model that Illustrator uses to create the image, such as RGB or CYMK.

document window

A tabbed window within the Application frame that contains the artboards and canvas scratch area.

drawing modes

Illustrator provides three specific drawing modes: Draw Normal (the default), Draw Behind, and Draw Inside. Draw Behind places newly drawn objects behind selected objects. Draw Inside places newly drawn objects within a selected object.

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