Excel 2016 Expert: Interpreting Data for Insights
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- Δείτε τις σελίδες: Βαθμοί (Grades), Ακαδημαϊκή Υποστήριξη (Support) και Πιστοποιητικό Ολοκλήρωσης (Certificate of Completion)
- Διαδικασίες που θα σας διευκολύνουν: Αλλαγή της γλώσσας στα Αγγλικά και της μονάδας μέτρησης σε ίντσες, File and Folder Naming: Best Practices, Ρύθμιση του Chrome για ερώτηση θέσης αποθήκευσης
Το Ψηφιακό Βιβλίο ανοίγει σε νέα καρτέλα. Περιέχει πληροφορίες για την προετοιμασία των εξετάσεων και τη διαδικασία κατά της εξέτασης.
- Syllabus
- Introduction
- Who this course is for
- How this course is organized
- Download the practice files
- Prerequisites
Δείγμα Μαθήματος - Εξάσκηση
- Οι ενότητες Εξάσκηση για το κάθε κεφάλαιο γίνονται διαθέσιμες αφού να ολοκληρωθεί το κουίζ του προηγούμενου κεφαλαίου με βαθμό >=80%.
- Π.χ. για να γίνει διαθέσιμη η ενότητα Εξάσκηση του κεφαλαίου 2, πρέπει να ολοκληρωθεί το κουίζ του κεφαλαίου 1 με βαθμό >=80% και ούτω καθεξής.
- Οι ενότητες Εξάσκηση για το κάθε κεφάλαιο περιέχουν:
- τα αρχεία (για την παρακολούθηση των βημάτων του κεφαλαίου),
- τις ασκήσεις προσομοίωσης εξετάσεων και
- το κουίζ.
Κουίζ κεφαλαίου (δείγμα)
Objective 2. Files Folder (δείγμα)
2.1 Apply Custom Data Formats and Validation
Practice Tasks (δείγμα)
1.1. Select cells A1:A4. Create and apply a custom number format that displays the thousands separator, always displays at least one number, displays a leading minus sign and red text if a negative number is entered, displays 0 if 0 is entered, and displays the message Enter a number if a non-numeric value is entered.
2. Display the Fill Series worksheet and do the following:
2.1. In column A, below the Linear label, create a linear series that begins at 0, has a step value of 5, and has a stop value of 50.
2.2. In column B, below the Growth label, create a growth series that begins at 1, has a step value of 2, and has a stop value of 250.
2.3. Fill the range C2:C11 with a Date series that uses a day unit and a step value of 2.
2.4. Fill the range D2:D11 with a Date series that uses a weekday unit and a step value of 1.
2.5. Fill the range E2:E11 with a Date series that uses a month unit and a step value of 6.
3. Display the Data Validation worksheet and do the following:
3.1. Select cell B2. Create and apply a data-validation rule that restricts data entry to values between 0 and 1 (that is, between 0% and 100%).
3.2. Include an input message titled Interest Rate with the following text: Please enter a value between 0 and 1.
3.3. Then enter a stop-style error message titled Invalid Interest Rate with the following text: The interest rate value you entered is invalid. Please enter a value between 0 and 1.
Exam Tasks (δείγμα)
On the "Product Inventory" worksheet, format column B to display numeric values to two decimal places. The format should be applied to existing and new rows.
On the "Accounts Receivable Data" worksheet, format column F so that any time value entered in the column is displayed as "mm/yy". The days should not be displayed.
On the "Student Grades" worksheet, fill cells A3:A48 with "Semester 1". Do not change the cell formatting.
Using the Fill Series option in Excel, fill in the Projects May through November in cells D3:I3. Do not change the cell formatting.
On the "Student Grades" worksheet, add data validation to cells C3:C48 that displays a Stop error with the title "Not valid" and the text "1 to 100" when the user enters a value less than 1 or greater than 100 or a number that includes a decimal digit.
2.3 Create and Modify Custom Workbook Elements
Practice Tasks (δείγμα)
1. Open the ExcelExpert_2-3 workbook, display the Inventory worksheet, and do the following:
1.1. Create a new cell style named MOSCell that uses a bold, 16-point, Dark Blue font, a Center alignment, and a bottom border. Apply it to the range A1:G1.
1.2. Create a custom color scheme named MOSColors and apply it to the workbook.
1.3. Create a custom font set named MOSFonts and apply it to the workbook.
1.4. Save the custom theme as MOSTheme.
1.5. Verify that your custom theme now appears in the Themes gallery.
2. Display the Inventory (2) worksheet and do the following:
2.1. Select cell E2 and start recording a macro. Use the default macro name and location settings.
2.2. Perform the following actions: apply bold, apply the Currency number format, and center the text within the cell.
2.3. Stop the recording.
2.4. Select cell F2 and run the macro you just recorded.
3. Display the Amortization Schedule worksheet and do the following:
3.1. In cell D3, insert a spin button control. Link the spin button to the Amortization value in cell C3, and configure it with a minimum value of 1, a maximum value of 30, and an incremental change value of 1.
3.2. In cell F2, insert a combo box control. Link the combo box to cell G7, and configure it to display the items in cells G3:G6.
Exam Tasks (δείγμα)
Modify the "MyCellStyle1" style by adding an Οrange double bottom border.
Create new customized colors with the Accent 1 option to RGB "100 ","150", "255". Name the customized colors "Blue Table".
Change the theme colors to Violet II and save the theme as "MyTheme" to the default location.
On the "Customers" worksheet, link a Combo Box control to Cell B1. It should display the country names in column A of the "Countries" worksheet.