Objective 1.6 Configure a presentation for print

  • 1.6.1 Configure a presentation for print

1.6 Practice & Exam Tasks

Practice Tasks

The practice file for these tasks is located in the MOSPowerPoint2016\Objective1 practice file folder.

1. Open the PowerPoint_1-6 presentation and do the following:
  1. Review the presentation content, noting the slides that contain speaker notes.
    • All slides except 4 and 7 contain speaker notes.
  2. Print full page slides of only slides 1-3, using the Color setting.
  3. Print a full set of handouts (for all slides) with three slides per page, using the Grayscale setting.
  4. Print a set of speaker’s notes, double-sided if your printer supports it, using the Pure Black And White setting.


2. Close the PowerPoint_1-6 presentation without saving changes.

Tip: There is no result file for this set of practice tasks because the tasks don’t modify the presentation content.

Exam Tasks

1.6.1 Configure a presentation for print


  • Configure printing options to print # copies of the presentation with # slides per page. All copies of the first page should print before the copies of the second page.

Note: To print all copies of a page before all copies of the next page etc., use the uncollated setting  

Printing speaker notes

  • Configure the printing options to print the Notes Pages for all slides.

Note: See 1.6 PRACTICE TASKS Exercise 1.4

Printing sections

  • Configure printing to print only the "Example" section.

Note: The option to print specific sections only appears when the presentation is divided into sections.


Προσοχή: οι ασκήσεις ζητούν να ρυθμιστεί η παρουσίαση για εκτύπωση (configure printing options to print...) και όχι να εκτυπωθεί!

Open the PowerPoint_1-6.pptx presentation and do the following:

  • Add a section called "Goals" before slide 5.


1. Configure printing to print only the "Goals" section.


2. Configure printing options to print three copies of the presentation with two slides per page. All copies of the first page should print before the copies of the second page.


3. Configure the printing options to print the Notes Pages for all slides.