Extra Practice 2. Insert and format text, shapes and images

2.1 Insert and format text



Tips & Tricks


1 Open the PP16_EP_2-1.pptx  presentation, save it as PP16_EP_2-1_Final.pptx in your practice folder and do the following:
2 On slide 4, apply WordArt White Fill - Lime, Accent 2 Outline - Lime, Accent color 2 Hard Shadow (Fill: White, Outline: Lime, Accent color 2; Hard Shadow: Lime, Accent color 2) to the text "culture". PP16_ExamTask_2-1-2_Ex01
3 On the "Overview" slide, format the list as a two-column list. PP16_ExamTask_2-1-5_Ex01
4 On slide 3, add a hyperlink to the website
to the sentence "Plan the itinerary".
5 On slide 2, add the hyperlink
to the text "Overview".
6 Save and close the PP16_EP_2-1_Final.pptx presentation, without closing the application.