Extra Practice 2. Insert and format text, shapes and images
2.4 Order and group objects
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1 | Open the PP16_EP_2-4.pptx presentation, save it as PP16_EP_2-4_Final.pptx in your practice folder and do the following: |
2 | Arrange the images on slide 1 so that their middles are aligned. | PP16_ExamTask_2-4-2_Ex01 | |
3 | On slide 2, change the alignment of the shapes so that the left edge of each shape is aligned to the left edge of the top shape |
Tip: Use Smart guides |
PP16_ExamTask_2-4-2_Ex02 |
4 | Bring the text on slide 3 in front of the shape of the heart. Then, send the moon shape to the back. | Tip: The text "My favorite things" Tip: Use Selection Pane PP16_ExamTask_2-4-3_Ex01 |
5 | On slide 4, change the shapes so that they overlap in the following order (from back to front): "Reading", "Sleep", "Family", "Nature". |
Tip: Το αποτέλεσμα θα είναι: |
PP16_ExamTask_2-4-3_Ex02 |
6 | Group the four shapes on slide 4. | PP16_ExamTask_2-4-3_Ex03 | |
7 | Save and close the PP16_EP_2-4_Final.pptx presentation, and close the application. |