Extra Practice 5. Manage multiple presentations

5.1 Merge content from multiple presentations



Tips & Tricks


1 Open thePP16_EP_5-1a.pptx presentation, save it as PP16_EP_5-1a_Final.pptx in your practice folder and do the following:
2 Add all of the slides from PP16_EP_5-1b.pptx to the end of the presentation in order. Tip: Θα πρέπει να έχετε συνολικά 5 διαφάνειες PP16_ExamTask_5-1-2_Ex01
3 Save and close the PP16_EP_5-1a_Final.pptx presentation, without closing the application.
4 Open the PP16_EP_5-1c.pptx presentation, save it as PP16_EP_5-1c_Final.pptx and do the following:
5 Insert a comment that reads "Quality" on the chart on slide 3. Tip: Make sure to select the Chart Area first. PP16_ExamTask_5-1-4_Ex01
6 Save and close the PP16_EP_5-1c_Final.pptx presentation, without closing the application.